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What does a care manager do?
What does a care manager do?
Care managers work with both adults and children. They share info about your health conditions and ways to take care of yourself. They can also help you:
- Find a primary care physician
- Schedule doctors’ visits
- Find specialists and behavioral health services near your home
- Get rides to the hospital
- Get medical and dental services, supplies and equipment
- Find community resources and educational materials
- Get the services you need
To help decide which services best meet your needs, the care manager works with:
- You
- Your provider
- Your representative or guardian (if applicable)
Your care manager will ask you about your health and care needs. You can have family and others present, if you wish them to take part in the visit.
MLTSS care management
MLTSS care management
Are you eligible for managed long-term services and supports (MTLSS)? If yes, you’ll receive care management as long as you stay in the MLTSS program. This program adds to the care you’re already getting. It’s not meant to replace care from family and others who might be helping you.
How often your care manager visits is based on where you live:
Your own home or family home in your community: Every three months
Assisted living facilities: Every six months
Nursing homes: Every six months
Need service? Call your care manager right away for help. Or schedule a face-to-face visit.
Not getting enough visits from your care manager? Just call us at 1-855-232-3596 (TTY: 711). We’re here to help.
Your care manager won’t make you move against your wishes. We’ll work with you so you can live in the setting that meets your needs. Whether you want to stay home or move to an assisted living facility or nursing home, your care manager can help. We’ll gladly work to find services and supports to meet your needs.
Once they understand what services you need, your care manager takes care of setting up those services. You’ll want to see your provider for other health care needs. If you need help getting access to other health care services, your care manager can help.
Learn about care management: